With all the severe weather in the UK, many people are realising that climate change is not theoretical but something which is beginning to affect us all, Having been without running water for some weeks at home ( along with countless others) it brings home just how vulnerable we actually are when weather conditions change and we are unprepared for it.
I heard from a friend with contacts in come of the latest climatology research that for the first time ever, satellites observed that the North Atlantic Drift had stopped for about an hour a few weeks ago ...something unprecedented to our best knowledge. Not being a scientist myself, I googled the North Atlantic Drift to understand the implications. It said that it is a warm current without which Britain and Northern Western Europe would have the same climate as Canada! OK...food for thought there ...and isn't it extraordinary that such important information doesn't even make the news?
More than ever, there is a growing sense that we are in somewhat unpredictable times ...and it is un-nerving for many.
Yet when times are difficult, it really highlights some of the unchanging importances..and in particular how important people are for each other ...the kindness, the caring , the helpful acts which count for everything in maintaining the quality and humanity of life ...just as they always have and always will.
And isn't it always so deeply re-assuring and encouraging when you walk out after the snow and see through the thawing ground, the snowdrop bulbs re-appearing

...hope springs anew always....and spring brings hope and new beginnings....surely such a great analogy for these current times!