Speaking to various friends recently, it seems some are absolutely glued to the international news programmes, eager to understand and follow events as they unfold. Others are frankly just finding it too much...too depressing and have decided to give it a miss for a while. As one friend put it.....just too much doom and gloom and nothing I can do anything about !
From the perspective of living in times of change, with the view that we are in times of both endings and new beginnings, the news very often highlights the breakdown of old ways and old patterns ...a necessary part of moving into something new.
The problem is that the influence of new thinking is often subtle to perceive, because it is very often quickly taken over by old thinking ....take for instance the wave of demands for reforms through the middle east. It certainly felt like a wind of change washing through country after country, often with the voice of young intellectuals talking about the need for respect, for humanity, for fairness. However, very quickly, as a vacuum appears in the establishment, other factions, whether they be religious, economical, military or political quickly step up to the mark and want to impose their views, their ways.
It's a real challenge in today's world, to find ways forward that are really new, bring fresh hope, have learned from the past and do not simply fall into a re-run of previous history with various vested interests looking to improve their own situations at the expense of others.
But then, isn't that the greatest challenge of our times?