Monday, 23 May 2011

Path Finding New Ways

One of the challenges for being a pioneer of finding new ways forward is not sliding back into the past. This is one of these really interesting areas to explore as I opened up in of of my earlier blogs about recent events in the Middle East. New ideas, fresh winds blow through and create a vacuum, but as soon as a space appears, the old establishments rush in to fill the void!

One of the things I've discovered is that there is a lot more energy, more 'oomph' attached connecting to genuinely positive new influences, than when something is merely a kick against the past. You might say one is evolutionary, with that extra something else from the future whilst the kick against the past, is revolutionary with all the pitfalls of revolution which we have seen from history.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Thanks for all this sun!!

Talking to one of my environmental friends yesterday threw out another reason to be grateful for all this gorgeous sun we've been having in the UK.

And it relates to the nuclear leaks at Fukushima in Japan after the recent shocking earthquake. Rain is carrying weak amounts of radioactivity into the eco system in various parts of the world ..but by default, that means the absence of rain here in the UK has been a real life saver for us, in that we have not had that same exposure so far.

The other interesting fact that came up in this conversation was that he and his family have been taking daily doses of Potassium Iodide , which he said builds up in the system as a protection against the body absorbing radioactivity. Not being much of a science buff, I headed straight for Google! And there is some interesting information on there, about how it was given out to 10.5 million children and 7 million adults around Chernobyl after the nuclear disaster there in 1986, as a protection against the thyroid absorbing radioactivity ...well worth a research.