Wednesday, 7 August 2013

The Survival of the Kindest

Loved this link I was sent this morning !

  All about how evolution would naturally lead a person to more empathy, compassion and kindness.  Lots of powerful  examples eg how anger is detrimental to health. Well worth a read!

Sunday, 4 August 2013

'Little Big People'

Strikes me it's often the 'little big people' who make the world a kinder, nicer place to live in. Think of the countless generations of parents who have worked hard to make life better, safer and sweeter for their children. The mothers who have gone without to ensure their children grow stronger and healthier? What about in a hospital where the doctors may get the acclaim and have greater skill, but so often it's the nurses who bring the humanity and tenderness to those in need?

Apart from those who know them personally, they may never go down in history as heroes, but those countless millions of people throughout the world and throughout the ages have MADE A DIFFERENCE! And all of us alive today who also care and are concerned about some of the current trends, can also make a difference simply by deepening our values and living our lives in accord with them. So many people I talk to are horrified by features like corruption and self-interest in politicians, religious wars, growing terrorism, break down in families and the list goes on and on.  In the face of that growing tide, many people feel their lives can't do anything to stem it.

So this blog is just to say, that there are an awful lot more ordinary people at the base of a pyramid than those who are in the limelight at the so called top! And every kind act, especially deliberate conscious acts of compassion, can make a huge difference! And when the base moves, it all moves as we live in an inter-connected world!