Wednesday, 12 October 2016

From the Beauty to the Flow

To be part of the flow, you have to release the beauty within   - for example, within our eyes is the beauty of sight, just as within the seed is the beauty of the flower.  And what we see is governed  by what we are interested in and by……  We can see the detail close to hand , or take the longer view as we gaze into the distance or the significance of what we are looking at… or go deeper still and appreciate that to see at all is a very great gift.

The long or the short  view - our is the choice – yet only when we arise above the level we occupy, can we see things from another perspective.

Always on the planet, duality offers comparison but the deeper reality reveals itself only through a third vector, whatever that third thing is….

Take the warring going on between different religions as one example ....the duality view would see the differences...but a third vector might see the obvious truth that we are all humans and how natural it is for us to seek a connection with the higher ... And how could one possibly want to crush in another that very same urge one feels oneself? 

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Itinerant Intelligence

There are many types of intelligence talked about these days……from emotional to spiritual to good old fashioned IQ.

This blog sets out to explore  something rather different to all of these  -  the idea of an intelligence which is born not out of the brain or heart activity of an individual but from a connection between a person’s attitudes, values and actions and an intelligence which  resides outside of the person but which will join them and help them according to what they are attempting to do. 

Is this a new idea  ?  Well, in parts no  …..but in other ways, yes, very much so.  It may well be part of the new evolution of consciousness which is much talked of in the 21st century but actually very little described or explored in depth..

So, where are there seeds of this truth , already partly realized in history ? 

Well, let’s think back in history over a longer period of time and review certain prime times when there seems to have been some major breakthrough in thought, or art or religion.

Lets start 2500 years ago when there was a flurry of new thought across the globe from as far away as India, to China to Greece.  This was the time of around 500BC where within a hundred years, we saw the lives of Gautama Buddha, Lao Tse, Confucius, Socrates, Zoroaster  and perhaps others less well known of this period.    This time saw the birth of Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, the building of the Parthenon, the refinement of the Acropolis and the birth of the Golden Age of  Athens. In other words many of the ideas and philosophical templates which were born in this age, were major influences upon the unfolding of modern man and  are today’s still key  influences in today’s thinking.  Pre 1000 BC, there was far more emphasis on the importance of the collective, than the individual.  For example, tribal law was almost exclusively designed to protect the continuity and well being of the whole tribe. To us it can seem harsh, yet the survival of the whole was always of paramount importance and far succeeded the importance of ‘fairness’ to the individual.

The various thought influences which appeared around 500BC lay the seeds of the rise of the importance of individuality, and all that surrounds that significant shift from the collective to the unique aspect of each one of us.
But let’s pause a moment , return to 500BC and consider the odds against this extraordinary ‘crop’ of great thinkers all happening within a hundred years of each other. The odds against this being coincidental are stacked pretty high. This was not the time of the internet or global communications but a time when travel was by boat, horse and foot. It is an interesting facet of life today that there is a new trend appearing which is to see things from a global or world citizen perspective. ..something which would have been impossible in 500BC.

The proposition that is being put forward is that these great men were all responding to an intelligence and  possibility of their time. Some might call it the Zeitgeist, to use a later term, or the spirit of their age.  Whatever we call it, if there is such an external influence which man responds to, then it is a pretty amazing part of our human history, that has often been ignored! As a student of history at university, there was certainly no reference, outside of men and nations, as being those responsible for events and trends.

Perhaps, there has been an unsung and unseen hero appearing and disappearing on our time line of refinement and progress!

It’s fascinating that 500 years after this extraordinary philosophical appearance, we have the birth of Jesus Christ, and another 500 years later the appearance of Mohamed. With them appear two other hugely influential religious philosophies which have shaped much of our population’s thoughts , ethics and religious beliefs.

Move forward yet another 1000 years, and we see around 1500, the advent of the Reformation and Renaissance where Western thinking went through massive change in understanding, religion, art, architecture and  music. …and again one might ask what prompted this great surge of new learning, overturning of outdated views, inventions like the printing press, and a review of religious authority.  In hindsight, it is easy to say, well it was just the Reformation or the Renaissance but names can often blind us to the hugeness of what was changing in humanity at that time.

Again one might zone in on another aspect of this which was the way that for example, so much music appeared in Germany ..or why there was such a concentration of painters in France…was it just one person inspiring another or could it be that there was an influence which moved people to think, see and hear in new ways…which lead to the new art and music?

It ‘s fascinating that the truly great creative people often talk in terms of ideas dropping into their mind  - almost from left field.  That great Eureka moment when something is thought that has never been thought before. Einstein is quoted as saying “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

So where does this new knowledge come from ? Do we just dream it up, or is there perhaps a helping vitamin from elsewhere which stimulated the human mind to new elevations. I sometimes try and imagine what it was like for those creatively involved with new appearance…men like Leonardo Da Vinci, the archetypal ‘Renaissance Man’ What was their ‘Muse’..or  ‘Inspiration’  ?  How driven they must have felt, how energised ..and perhaps how lonely at times? For surely, they must have been surrounded by thousands of other people for whom life was ‘business as usual’ and although living through it, the Renaissance somehow passed them by as they got on with the every day maintenance of living their lives?  How can some people be driven , yet others not notice this new vibrancy and possibility? Indeed, many in the establishment not only ignored the significance of the appearing new learning but were positively threatened by it and persecuted those who were its pioneers as they disturbed the status quo of power, religion and politics.

Ok….so these are some snaps from the past ….but what of today?

Are we in a similar time of upgrade and new energy, which began in the 20th century?  A time of re-evaluation of what is important, of our ethics and values? An opportunity for making a quantum leap in intelligence ?  It becomes increasingly difficult to deny we are in the throws of a major world crisis which is outplaying in so many ways .....more and more people feel and know the reality of this. But there are also a growing web of people who detect this apparent and worrying breakdown,  is an inevitable, though painful, part of something very new and exciting making an appearance.

Thursday, 19 February 2015


Identity is one of those issues which is far reaching. It came up at one of the Philosophical Salons recently and has been an ongoing point of dialogue  ever since...

One person's thoughts were that mostly identity is seen through what one does for a living...a doctor, housewife, teacher, secretary .... within which comes attachments of success, failure etc  Another through their relationships with others ... a mother, sister, grandfather ... There is gender identity, national identity, identity through fashion statements, appearances, age identity like...I am middle aged...they are an elderly person ....  and then there is health identity - like  'he has cancer'..'she is a health freak' etc and on and on....even down to what football team one supports!
And all of these perhaps have a bearing on how we view ourselves. Perhaps the most important aspect is how that identity or self view affects our well being and sense of self worth - does it liberate us into being more ourselves or begin to box or diminish our possibility. This is where it ceases to be a 'philosophical' concept  and becomes an intrinsically important part of living a progressive and satisfying life.

It was interesting too to hear more personal reflections as to what had become the most significant aspect to us as individuals...for example one lady felt that it was to do with the quality of her relations with others...this for her was the most significant aspect of her own identity  ....and another felt it was to do with what qualities she grew in herself .. like to what degree her life was part of the growth of kindness, compassion and humanity in the world.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

The Positive side of the Downside!

One of the Philosophical Salon evenings recently explored the upside of difficult times. We discussed how when times are really hard..for example when  good health goes from being reliable to uncertain..or we go through life changing events, a difficult mid life crisis, relationship breakdowns ...whatever life throws at us ...  it can really break down our sense of identity. 

At the time, this can be pretty shattering on top of whatever problems one is dealing with ... when we just do not seem to recognize ourselves any more ...but coming out the other side, it can look quite different. In fact, it can be really quite liberating ! So much of our future possibility is governed by our self view, and when this gets fragmented, it can open up a whole new world of opportunity!

Monday, 9 February 2015

Philosophical Salon

I've always loves the idea 'the Philosophical Salon' - an idea from around 100 years where people would meet together to exchange ideas... pre -internet and electronic communications, they usually happened in people's drawing rooms - often in the European Capitals like Paris or London - and would include people from lots of different  backgrounds....philosophers, musicians, artists, doctors, writers. The occasions were social, but with style ...   and it was understood the conversation went a bit deeper than the weather !!

Inspire by this, I've recently organised gatherings at home with people who  like to exchange about life, and its meanings ...   and have had around five get togethers so far.

I thought I mights start to write up some of the ideas and issues which have a kind of inspirational diary !

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Working it Out for Ourselves

I met with some friends recently and was asked the question 'What do I think about life after death?'

It struck me that like so many people today, I could have  talked  about  the Christian view of Heaven and Hell, the Muslim view of Paradise, The Hindu View of Reincarnation...and on and on ...but isn't it interesting that we live in a time when we have access to so many points of view, whereas centuries back one might have been immersed in only one culture?

But the question was to me ... and what a great opportunity to answer the question from my own life and experience as well as the researches I've done into religions and spirituality.

First thought for me is I wouldn't start with life AFTER death but with  life BEFORE death and consider that human life is a spectrum that goes from the  physical to the spiritual. The physical part obviously has a very limited life span and at death goes back to the earth. Then you have the mental and the emotional lives which are less physical and can either have a  strong centre of gravity in ones life or not. If ones thoughts and feelings are like leaves in the wind, blown along by current opinions, newspapers, TV and media ..then perhaps it also has a limited life. But if in a life, a person comes to their own values, principles and views, then perhaps they are building a mind which can continue to live beyond this life.... particularly if their values are in tune with the ways of the universe -constructive, constant, refining and evolving.

And then there is the soul and the spirit - how to describe those?  They are like life or light itself - a little bit of 'god stuff' in us when we live our life do we give them opportunity and sustenance  ... does what we do light them up ... light us up ?

So, when thinking about what happens when we die...I feel a useful place to begin that ponder is how we actually live ! Do we experience and connect to  some of the magic of the universe - perhaps when we listen to the sweet harmonies of Mozart or stand under the night sky or look in the eyes of a child or a loved one ?

We think too much and feel too little.

“We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity; more than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.” This is a quote from Charlie Chaplin in 1916. Perhaps all the more poignant as it was mid World War One
I wonder what he would have made of our world today?