One of the worrying aspects of the 21st century is a real corrosion of values. It's an issue which is being aired in many different fields of life, from education, to politics to family.
I had dinner last week with a good friend and this was one of the areas which came up in conversation. He described how, as a young man, he had worked in a mortuary for nine months ...and how well he thought that this experience had served him in life. He said that it had taught him one thing ... that to be alive is everything , and it's a good thing to remember each and every morning when we re-awaken and open our eyes, to value this great gift of living.
I agreed strongly with him on this ...before anything else, even if life gets rough, tough or whatever, simply to be alive is still the greatest of gifts. To be conscious, able to see, move, think, love and feel .....is a precious thing ...and yet how easy to take it for granted?
I thought afterwards how very strengthening it is, in life's ups and downs, to make time to share what we value with others who feels the same importance as ourselves.