Thanks to some of my Facebook friends, I've recently been reading some items in the National Graphic News website..really fascinating articles and videos about recent sun spot activity, another about predictions of sun spot 'hibernation' post 2013,
and another describing a young 'sun like star' in the constellation of Perseus, 750 light years from Earth "with jets that blast epic quantities of water into inter-stellar space"

and another describing a young 'sun like star' in the constellation of Perseus, 750 light years from Earth "with jets that blast epic quantities of water into inter-stellar space"
In fact, I almost blogged about each of them separately and highly recommend a look at the site!
However, what I want to explore today is the fact of the amazing amount of knowledge we have about everything and everything...from the minutiae of atomic particles to the goings on in space.
So much fresh information flooding our brain cells....and yet the question comes up in me as to the value of more and more knowledge, whilst our understanding of some of the core issues of living still seems to be so minimal.
There seems to be such a brain hunger for more, more, more ...not only for facts, but also in so many avenues of living such as for money, possessions, entertainment, advertising, relationships, titillation .....that it seems that the 'more, more, more' syndrome can keep our lives shallow, rather than the deeper probe for the value and significance of who we are and what we have.
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