So, what were they really saying ? In the example above, they were suggesting that if we allow ourselves to become callous, for example, even in small, we were basically playing for the same team as the politicians who were practising callousness on a large and visible scale. In other words, we in our small way add to the growth of callousness in the world. Or if we allow our lives to become governed purely by self interest, then we add to that influence in the world too.
In the light of quantum discoveries,( as well of course as age-old spiritual understandings!) each of us humans influences the whole of humanity ....so each person's contribution ..even in small..truly makes a difference.
When you add to that, when a decision is made consciously, deliberately and repetitively, it perhaps holds more transmitting strength than when something happens unconsciously....well, it gives a more positive and hopeful situation in which we all can take a position which can help make the world a kinder place to be.
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