Many evolutionary thinkers today, such as Deepak Chopra or the 'Be the Change' presenters, are using the analogy of imaginal cells as a way to think about the gathering number of people who feel we are on the brink of a new evolution and are drawn to playing their part in this great spiritual adventure.
So what are Imaginal Cells?We all know that butterflies begin their life as caterpillars, change to a chrysalis and metaphorphise into butterflies. It has to be one of the greatest mysteries and miracles of the natural worlds! But it's only recently I learned a bit more about the actual process of what happens ..and the following info comes form the 'sacred sites' website
When a caterpillar nears its transformation time, it begins to eat ravenously, consuming everything in sight. The caterpillar body then becomes heavy, outgrowing its own skin many times, until it is too bloated to move. Attaching to a branch it forms a chrysalis —an enclosing shell that limits the caterpillar’s freedom for the duration of the transformation.
Within the chrysalis a miracle occurs. Tiny cells, that biologists call “imaginal cells,” begin to appear. These cells are wholly different from caterpillar cells, carrying different information, vibrating to a different frequency – the frequency of the emerging butterfly. At first, the caterpillar’s immune system perceives these new cells as enemies. But the imaginal cells are not deterred. They continue to appear, in even greater numbers, recognizing each other, bonding together, until the new cells are numerous enough to organize into clumps. When enough cells have formed to make structures along the new organizational lines, the caterpillar’s immune system is overwhelmed. The caterpillar body then become a nutritious soup for the growth of the butterfly. When the butterfly is ready to hatch, the chrysalis becomes transparent.
Well, that is one fantastic story...is it not ? ..more fantastic than anything we could dream up ...and yet part of the reality of the world around us.
So the analogy being popularised is that those who are pioneering a new way for humanity are initially regarded as being 'intruders' and viewed in a hostile manner by the establishment. Yet slowly, initially in smaller cell groupings and then later by the groups clumping or networking together, they cease to be the intruders and gradually form the more dominant influence which becomes the foundation out from which a new civilisation can emerge..just like the butterfly does from the chrysalis.
There are many feature of this analogy which catch me but the one I want to highlight here which is totally incredible is that if what is being said is true,
this is the first time EVER in the planet's history, when evolution is a conscious process. It's a spiritual adventure in which people are knowingly volunteering to be participant WOW, now that is a real adventure into the unknown !!!!