I find the idea of being 'in transition' very liberating indeed. It acknowledges the reality of our current society breaking down and a new one appearing and ready to be born. It means we can know the worst about the problems, but not be based in them. Leaves us open to a new vision, new energy, new thinking ....and of course a great attraction to work along side others who feel the same way!
It reminds me of travelling overseas...when you break a long journey in the transit lounge. Last time I travelled from London to Sydney, I spent a few hours in Hong Kong 'in transit' Great feeling...on the move, no luggage, no worries ..time to explore and knowing there was another plane to take you to where you want to be!
Well, living today, it's not like we know quite what plane we are going to get on, in the bigger sense, or necessarily quite where we will arrive, but it does have that same sense of adventure and movement ..the need to travel light and be ready for imminent take off!!
PS You can hear a recording of the first webinar in the series on the TFC website www.templatesforchange.org or use the link: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/470742048 if you would like to join in, free of charge, on the next one ...
Be great to get your comments and feedback!
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