Absolutely fascinating ! Though not so surprising really as they are now confirming scientifically what has been understood in many circles for thousands of years.
That prayer, meditation and repetitive thought patterns have a definite effect on our very genes. Positive thinking can not only inhibit some unfortunate sequences of deterioration in our genetics ( think we call it healing!!) but perhaps even more intriguing, can also unlock sequences in what is called 'junk DNA'
Actually called 'junk' that because scientists can't yet work out what it's for!!!
In fact, it is estimated that 90% of our DNA is 'junk' ....that really got me to wondering just what that 90% could be for? Perhaps some of it is now redundant, but wouldn't it make equal sense that some of it is not yet activated ?
Doesn't that just remind you of similar figures that are estimated re the amount of our brain we currently use???!!!!
And it's fascinating too that the word E-Volution means literally to roll out..perhaps it's some of our latent DNA sequences which, when unlocked, open up the next stage on our long evolutionary journey.
Wonder what thoughts, what energy might be the triggers?
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