What do you trust when everything is changing?
Part One
In the 21st century, we surf on fast moving and often changing currents…nothing seems sacrosanct….
politician’s misdemeanours are uncovered, religious leaders cover-ups are revealed, top financial folks screw up…..information about ‘everything and everything’ reaches us on a 24/7 basis. Two thirds of the world population is short of food or starving, whilst obesity becomes an epidemic in the other third. A growing percentage of marriages end up in divorce, child crime is increasing …it all seems a bit crazy!
Where does one look to for something sensible, something stable ? It might have been a few decades ago, we would have said look at the seasons , the cycles, the world of nature for a reliable steadiness…but even this seems to have gone a bit into the unknown. With climate change and fast changing weather patterns …yikes!! And we are told by experts that we have now entered into a mass extinction of flora and fauna where it is estimated maybe half of all our existing plants and animals may have disappeared by the end of the century.
So where do we find sanity, safety and sensibility?
Strange, it’s almost as though the only way to get there is by opening our mind and getting a context for all the stuff that’s happening…..
Breakdown and breakthrough….
As Ervin Laszlo puts it we are in a ‘tipping point’ …a time of break down on the one hand ( all the negative stuff above!) even the issues with the planet, the flora and the fauna ….are all contexted within this larger change. If we take a bigger span on history, it’s a fact that any time there is a new evolution appearing, it is always preceded by breakdown and extinction….In fact right now in 2010, it is estimated by the experts we are in the midst of the sixth major extinction on the planet.
If the experts are right, then extinction and evolution are bed partners ..but the one thing which we can rely on is that life does continue, life does refine and life does evolute ……….
Let’s say that again ..life does continue, life does refine and life does evolute……WOW!!!
And we are part of that line of appearance…….. the living edge of a very long line of history…..us today, as we walk and talk and live our lives….are part of this line and can either help or detract from its continuance, refinement and evolution.

And what’s more, we are a conscious part of it. One of the extra ordinary aspects of life today is that we are the first generation ever to be aware of the facts of these bigger cycles. With the discoveries of science and technology, we have access to so much education and information….from the minutiae of cellular structure to what’s happening out in the universe, from the history of our own nation and religious backgrounds to those of the rest of the planet. We have a unique opportunity to understand, to compare and to make choices. And the choices we can make, are perhaps more important than any our forebears have been faced with because the choices people and countries make, now affect every other part of life on earth.
Part One
In the 21st century, we surf on fast moving and often changing currents…nothing seems sacrosanct….
politician’s misdemeanours are uncovered, religious leaders cover-ups are revealed, top financial folks screw up…..information about ‘everything and everything’ reaches us on a 24/7 basis. Two thirds of the world population is short of food or starving, whilst obesity becomes an epidemic in the other third. A growing percentage of marriages end up in divorce, child crime is increasing …it all seems a bit crazy!
Where does one look to for something sensible, something stable ? It might have been a few decades ago, we would have said look at the seasons , the cycles, the world of nature for a reliable steadiness…but even this seems to have gone a bit into the unknown. With climate change and fast changing weather patterns …yikes!! And we are told by experts that we have now entered into a mass extinction of flora and fauna where it is estimated maybe half of all our existing plants and animals may have disappeared by the end of the century.
So where do we find sanity, safety and sensibility?
Strange, it’s almost as though the only way to get there is by opening our mind and getting a context for all the stuff that’s happening…..
Breakdown and breakthrough….
As Ervin Laszlo puts it we are in a ‘tipping point’ …a time of break down on the one hand ( all the negative stuff above!) even the issues with the planet, the flora and the fauna ….are all contexted within this larger change. If we take a bigger span on history, it’s a fact that any time there is a new evolution appearing, it is always preceded by breakdown and extinction….In fact right now in 2010, it is estimated by the experts we are in the midst of the sixth major extinction on the planet.
If the experts are right, then extinction and evolution are bed partners ..but the one thing which we can rely on is that life does continue, life does refine and life does evolute ……….
Let’s say that again ..life does continue, life does refine and life does evolute……WOW!!!
And we are part of that line of appearance…….. the living edge of a very long line of history…..us today, as we walk and talk and live our lives….are part of this line and can either help or detract from its continuance, refinement and evolution.
And what’s more, we are a conscious part of it. One of the extra ordinary aspects of life today is that we are the first generation ever to be aware of the facts of these bigger cycles. With the discoveries of science and technology, we have access to so much education and information….from the minutiae of cellular structure to what’s happening out in the universe, from the history of our own nation and religious backgrounds to those of the rest of the planet. We have a unique opportunity to understand, to compare and to make choices. And the choices we can make, are perhaps more important than any our forebears have been faced with because the choices people and countries make, now affect every other part of life on earth.
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