My name is Christine Thompson ......like a growing number of people alive today, I believe we are in the most exciting time ever to be alive on the planet.....but also the most challenging and potentially worrying.
We seem to be on a crest of a new evolution, a new wave of consciousness ... I guess if you are reading this, you feel it too!! I won't go into all the arguments to support this right here but do have a look at the website www.templatesforchange.com if you want to get more background on some of my thoughts on this !!
In many ways, it is easy to catalogue the negative aspects of what is going on ....but what about all the more positive aspects ? The new spirituality, new consciousness, new intelligence? Is evolution really on the move? Are we part of it right now as we live ..the first human beings ever to have a conscious part to play in this dynamism of the universe?
The idea of this blog is to get a dialogue on the go...about what all this might mean!! A place to exchange thoughts, views , observations .......share inspiration and hope!
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