Monday, 26 July 2010

Population Growth

I've been re-reading some charts on the rate of population growth recently, and really it strikes me this is one huge 'elephant in the room' about which we must all surely be concerned....and particularly world leaders who are monitoring the global trends

Here are some figures taken from an article on Wikipedia
In 1500, estimated population was half a billion
In 1804, the world population reached about 1 billion
By 1927, it had doubled to 2 billion
By 1960, we were up to 3 billion
4 billion by 1974, 5 billion in 1987 and 6 in 1999

In 2009, the United Nations estimated would reach 7 billion by 2011-2012 .....( and the US census rates us currently about 6,858,200,000 so the 7 billion estimate is not far off ) On current growth rates the projection is to reach about 9 billion by the middle of this century.

One has to ask how on earth our planet can support these kind of numbers ?

Crop Circles

One of the really fascinating aspects about Crop Circles is you almost never see them in the news!!!

It's hard to know quite what to think about them...but as they had come up in a conversation recently, I thought I'd do a bit of a google about them...and was absolutely amazed to see the number of 'photographs' on the net. Literally hundreds of them from as recently as this week..loads of them in Wiltshire, UK. That seems to be a very popular place for such events.

Now, many people dismiss them as hoaxes, and I'm sure some of them are ....but really, they are becoming so elaborate, one wonders how on earth they could be created so beautifully and in such short spaces of time. And if they are all hoaxes, why has the whole concept not been completely discredited? Attached here are a couple of photos of one in Southern Holland from last summer which is particularly stunning and evocative.

Question remains however, if they are not all man made hoaxes, what on earth are they.

'Faxes' from another intelligence ??!!!

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Effect of Thought on Genetics

I read an article on the web yesterday about recent research in Russia into the effects of thought and language on our genes

Absolutely fascinating ! Though not so surprising really as they are now confirming scientifically what has been understood in many circles for thousands of years.

That prayer, meditation and repetitive thought patterns have a definite effect on our very genes. Positive thinking can not only inhibit some unfortunate sequences of deterioration in our genetics ( think we call it healing!!) but perhaps even more intriguing, can also unlock sequences in what is called 'junk DNA'

Actually called 'junk' that because scientists can't yet work out what it's for!!!

In fact, it is estimated that 90% of our DNA is 'junk' ....that really got me to wondering just what that 90% could be for? Perhaps some of it is now redundant, but wouldn't it make equal sense that some of it is not yet activated ?

Doesn't that just remind you of similar figures that are estimated re the amount of our brain we currently use???!!!!

And it's fascinating too that the word E-Volution means literally to roll out..perhaps it's some of our latent DNA sequences which, when unlocked, open up the next stage on our long evolutionary journey.

Wonder what thoughts, what energy might be the triggers?

A Time of Transition

Recently I've been working with colleagues on a new webinar series, 'Living in Times of Change' Today I've been researching one of the series about being pioneers in a time of transition

I find the idea of being 'in transition' very liberating indeed. It acknowledges the reality of our current society breaking down and a new one appearing and ready to be born. It means we can know the worst about the problems, but not be based in them. Leaves us open to a new vision, new energy, new thinking ....and of course a great attraction to work along side others who feel the same way!

It reminds me of travelling overseas...when you break a long journey in the transit lounge. Last time I travelled from London to Sydney, I spent a few hours in Hong Kong 'in transit' Great feeling...on the move, no luggage, no worries ..time to explore and knowing there was another plane to take you to where you want to be!

Well, living today, it's not like we know quite what plane we are going to get on, in the bigger sense, or necessarily quite where we will arrive, but it does have that same sense of adventure and movement ..the need to travel light and be ready for imminent take off!!

PS You can hear a recording of the first webinar in the series on the TFC website or use the link: if you would like to join in, free of charge, on the next one ...
Be great to get your comments and feedback!

Monday, 12 July 2010


Travelling to work this morning, I heard a radio show which gave me food for thought. Over half the planet's population now live in cities. That's a lot of people!!

The presenter was commenting on one aspect of difference which was the degree to which people in the countryside identified in a loving way with the place where they lived, compared to those in the city.

It got me to thinking about how important a sense of belonging is, and how fortifying ones home ecology actually is to one's general sense of well being. I know life in the cities is more stimulating & culturally interesting, and for many fantastic and enjoyable places to be, as well as economically more rewarding or just plain necessary, but I wonder what percentage of those city dwellers feel they are transient and without real roots?

And how many still manage to keep alive that healing connection with the planet and the natural worlds which is such an important and stabilising part of life in fast moving times?

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Isn't it Amazing ?

Isn't it brilliant that we have access to the micro worlds and the macro worlds?

One of the great benefits of modern technology is that we are admitted into worlds to which previous generations had no access.

We can appreciate the internal pattern of a cell, make comparison to the atoms spinning around the nucleus to the planets spinning around the sun ..allow our mind to be moved and stretched into the strange re-current patterns and templates at play within the universe.

Knowing that as we have new connective thoughts, so pathways form up in our brain .

I wonder if this ability of the mind to form these new pathways, in some strange way, helps build the inter-connectivity which scientists are discovering is a property throughout the universe? Is human consciousness part of the 'plasma' that brings it all together in a more intelligent, feeling way?