I am reading James Lovelock's 'The Revenge of Gaia' at the moment and find it very interesting .... though I find the title pretty ridiculous! Why would anyone want to ascribe 'revenge' - one of humanit'y most destuctive of negative emotional reponses to the planet?
However, that aside, being in the midst of the disruptions and aftermath from the recent eruption of the Icelandic volcano, one particualr sentence on page 13 jumped out to me in my nocturnal browsing.
" There is a small chance that the sceptics are right or we might be saved by an unexpected event such as a series of volcanic eruptions severe enough to block out sunlight and so cool the earth"
Food for thought!
Yet again, this recent event has brought home to me that as people we make our own affairs so important, make ourselves the centre of the universe, yet how easily we can all be brought to a standstill by the power of the planet.
Any irregularity has us talking and complaining for days...but what about the extraordinary constancy that we often take for granted ? That for millenia and for generations, human life has been supported and given continuous conditions to live, refine and evolute ? Things like the stability of the earth, the cleansing quality of water, the warmth of the sun or the very air we breathe.