I visited LLanerchaeron on the weekend .. a beautiful NT property which evocatively encapsulates life in byegone days. It is a snapshot of the life of a Welsh country estate, and not only has a beautiful period house full of interest but has immaculately preserved servant's quarters, and working home farm, which I find quite fascinating. In the late 19th century & early 20th century, this estate was like a little village, and completely self sufficient, apart from tea and sugar which was dropped off by special stop by train from Harrods!
Apart from the gorgeous walled garden which is my top favourite and place I love to spend time, the kitchen always draws me and I enjoy sitting there on a wooden chair and imagining life in another generation.
One aspect particularly captivates me..this is the fact that every item in that kitchen, from the cooking range,long sturdy table, to the simple wooden chairs, to the earthenware jars, to the copper and wooden cooking utensils, were all designed to last for generations. I've spent many a happy hour in that kitchen, encouraging my mind to re-create life as it might have been. And one of the things which really impresses me is that aspect of being surrounded by things which are durable...it gives a sense of stability and security which is really rather settling to the mind.
In comparison, in our century, most items in a modern kitchen, has an in built shelf life. Washing machines, fridges ....all come and go with alarming speed! And even items which might last, tend to look jaded, a bit 'past it' and the general tendency is towards constant updating.
Again, I do wonder how this general sense of expendability, affects the quality of our lives today? And even our dealings with each other ?
How lovely and tranquil. Just read an article today which stated, that we get something like 2 1/2 hour less exercise dayli because of all the modern equipment - washing machine, dishwash machine, hoover etc.
ReplyDeleteI've spent some days now making a photo diary and it occured to me today how much I deliberately try to avoid any images with man made objects in the photos I take. I just love the stillness of nature without the interference of humans and all their anti-struggle devices.