With the ever appearing results of research in quantum physics, modern science is slowly recognizing that there is an interconnected web of life and living. Yet for many this remains something of a dry and perhaps irrelevant ‘fact’
However, it seems to me this will be come an increasingly important and prescient reality for those who want to explore a new human consciousness in the 21st century. An awareness that what we both think and do has an effect on all around us, has a profound influence on our psychology and psyche.
But, let me backtrack just a little away from science …and relocate something a little closer to home. Isn’t it true that if we are around someone who loves and admires us, that it affects our well being, confidence and general sense of expansion and ‘can do’ ? And isn’t it equally true that if we are surrounded by folks who judge and criticise that it tends to shut us down and reduce both our self view and abilities ? Isn’t it true that some places just make us feel a bit down, whilst others always uplift and cheer us up? Isn’t it true that people who love their gardens produce the best blooms and display ?
It’s almost as though a person’s love and values increases the flow between one thing and another ….or to use a more scientific term, increases the 'conductivity' between them. This is a very interesting way of thinking about how to be more of a participant in the interconnected web, and is an area which I have researched and explored a lot with friends with similar interests over a few decades.
Here is a little experiment to try out …….
Have a glance at the following two photographs ..taken yesterday

Now, pause a moment and imagine for a moment a world without colour …everything in monochrome….
Now look again at the photos ..concentrate on the colour for a moment or two …is it having a different effect?
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