I just started reading a fascinating book by a Cambridge doctor, Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride about natural treatment for the A syndromes which are affecting an ever increasing number of children....Autism, ADD, ADHD. The figures on the first page are somewhat shocking.
About 15 years ago, the number of children in Western countries was thought to be about 1 in 10,000. It is now being seen at what could only be decsribed as epidemic proportions.
According to recent UK Dept of Health figures, about 1 in 166 kids are diagnosed with autism. In the US, it's 1 in 150...in Sweden 1 in 141 ......
This book is looking at the relationship between disorders in the gut and mental problems..not only to do with kids and the A syndromes but also the growing cases of depression and schizophrenia in both childrena and adults....and the very successful treatments she conducts.
It made me both worried and furious when I read these figures. Worried for obvious reasons but furious because more politicians and leaders in society are not addressing an issue which to my mind is a red letter alert about a trend in our next generation...which after all are our future. One reads about alarming trends too in education where there are growing problems of retention and learning.
Surely these are issues which should make headlines ..and be of paramount importance for funding and research into why these trends are appearing...and at such speed.
Just a quick line... so nice to hear from you. Hope to see you in the mediterranean later this year!?? xx C