Politicians are known to be masters of spin and to get away with what they can, to stay in power, religious leaders have been involved in major cover ups of late...and on a personal level, gone are the days when a gentleman's ( or lady's!!) word was their bond!! Advertising is an open book for getting us to part with our money and anyone with any sense knows to be suspicious of what's claimed.
But how does all this affect our personal psyche and psychology?
When somone personally betrays our trust, does it cause us to trust less? The obvious answer is yes, and then we ourselves become part of the diminishment of trust in the world. It seems like a vicious downward spiral. And it will be if people do not make a deliberate decision in their lives to build trust.....to be part of the web of trust.
Having reached this part in today's blog, I took a bit of a pause as to where to go next with this ..into the realms of personal development, mental decision, realism about what can and cannot be trusted??? As I stood up from my desk, which is at an upstairs window, I caught a glimpse of what might have been the first swallow of this season.....exciting and so early in April!!

Now that took my mind down quite another track......and I felt in myself the trust that I have that the swallows will return from their thousands of miles flight from Africa. And I thought about their automatic trust in their own flying and navigation skills that will bring them back to the same village, the same farm and the same barn.. What a mind boggling feat ....and I find myself smiling and knowing there is such a powerful web of trust of which I can be part if I don't remove myself from it by being at difference.
My trust in it's trust...that's the way to go....
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